Ayumi Takahashi for Satbucks Humming Bird 2nd time




Starbucks Japanが行っているHumming Bird Projectのカードのデザインをお手伝いさせていただきました。これまでにHumming Bird Projecでは日本全国で延べ3,000名以上の子どもたちを支援されており、9回目の今回からは、震災で苦労をされてきた東北の子供達のみならず、全国に輪を広げられています。


Ayumi Takahshi worked on a card design for Humming Bird which is a long term project Starbucks is hosting called Humming Bird Project.

Humming Bird project was established for children in Tohoku to be able to continue their studies but since it is their 9th donation project, they now have enough money to donate for children in other regions other than Tohoku as well to help them continue their studies.

1% of the money from every purchase you made using this card at Starbucks goes to the foundation to raise the money for these children.

Starbucks Japanが行っているHumming Bird Projectのカードのデザインをお手伝いさせていただきました。